Frequently Asked Questions

Data & Privacy

Where is my timeline data stored?

Aeon Timeline saves all the information you enter in files stored locally on your computer or device unless you specify another save location, such as a shared drive or cloud storage service.

While Aeon Timeline connects to the internet to process purchases, validate your account and purchases, update the application, and capture non-personally identifiable usage information, no content from your timeline is captured online.

You can read our privacy policy at

Do you store my credit card information?

Purchases made through our website, or through the apps downloaded from our website, are handled via a third-party provider called FastSpring ( 

No credit card information is stored by us or within the Aeon Timeline application. When you purchase the app or app updates, the details are sent to FastSpring who store it in their records. We do not receive or store your credit card or bank account details. 

If you don't subscribe to ongoing updates when you purchase the app, your credit card will not be charged automatically for updates. You will need to re-enter your payment information if you decide to buy updates in the future.

FastSpring may store your credit card information for their records. However, we don’t have any access to this information and can’t use it to charge you for a future purchase. 

Purchases made through the Apple App Store, or through the apps downloaded from the App Store, are handled by Apple. We do not receive or store your payment information from these orders.

Sharing & Collaboration

Can I share my timeline online?

Currently, timelines cannot be published on the web.

If you wish to share a timeline file with someone who has not purchased Aeon Timeline, they can install the app and use it in read-only mode for free on their Mac, Windows or iOS device.

You can also export an image or PDF of your timeline from the app.An online shareable and collaborative version of the app will be coming in 2024.

Can I collaborate on timelines with my team?

Currently, Aeon Timeline does not have its own cloud storage. Therefore, if you want to use it collaboratively, you would have to use a shared drive or an external cloud storage service to store and share your files, such as:

  • Google Drive
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Dropbox
  • Box

If everyone has access to this storage, it will allow all users to work on the file. However, if two users edit the file simultaneously, it will cause conflict issues. Your storage system should be able to resolve this, either by overwriting the file or giving you the option to choose which version to keep. 

An online shareable and collaborative version of the Aeon Timeline will be coming in 2024.

Licensing & Billing

Does Aeon Timeline require a subscription?

No, Aeon Timeline does not require a subscription.

Making a purchase will give you a perpetual license to the current version of Aeon Timeline. (Provided that you still have hardware capable of running that software version.)

When you purchase, you will also get access to all app updates for 12 months following your purchase.

After 12 months, you can continue using the version of the app you have. You can also choose to buy another 12 months of updates.

You can learn more about licensing at

Do I have to purchase updates?

When you buy Aeon Timeline, you get access to:

  • The current version of the app on up to five devices.
  • All app updates for 12 months following your purchase.

After 12 months, you can continue using the version of the app you have, and you are not required to buy additional updates. 

You can also choose to buy another 12 months of updates at a later date and do not have to purchase them as soon as your update plan expires. 

You can learn more about licensing at

How can I manage my update plan?

To check if you are currently receiving app updates, go to the My Account section in the app.

  • Mac: Choose “My Account” from the Aeon Timeline menu
  • Windows: Choose “My Account” from the Tools menu
  • iOS: Close any open timeline, and click “My Account” in the toolbar of the File Browser window

To cancel or modify your subscription or payment information:

If you purchased the app through our website, or through the apps downloaded from our website, you will need to update your subscription via FastSpring: 

If you purchased the app through the Apple App Store, or the apps downloaded from the App Store, you’ll need to update your subscription with Apple via your device settings or in the App Store.

Detailed instructions for managing subscriptions with FastSpring and Apple are available at:

How can I manage which computers I’m logged in on?

You can use the same account across five Mac, Windows, or iOS devices. Once the limit is reached, you won’t be able to log in to any additional devices unless you log out on another device.

To log out on a device, go to the My Account section in the app.

  • Mac: Choose “My Account” from the Aeon Timeline menu
  • Windows: Choose “My Account” from the Tools menu
  • iOS: Close any open timeline, and click “My Account” in the toolbar of the File Browser window

If you can no longer access a previous device or installation, you can contact support, and we will help you free up the login.

If a member of my team leaves, can their account be reassigned to a different person?

If you previously had an account under a person’s email and wish to change to a different email on your team, please contact support and we’ll help you sort it out.

As timeline files are stored on your computer, device, or chosen storage service, please note we do not have access to your files and cannot help with transferring these to different team members.

Can multiple team members share an account?

When you purchase Aeon Timeline, you can use the same account across five Mac, Windows, or iOS devices, on whatever platform combination you like.

All devices should be used by the same person for their own personal use of the software. A license cannot be shared with other people, except for the "occasional household use" clause included in our Terms and Conditions.

Internet Access

Do I need internet access to use Aeon Timeline?

Your device running Aeon Timeline will need an internet connection to do the following:

  • Logging into your account to unlock editing capability (once logged in, you will be able to continue to use the application without an internet connection)
  • Making a purchase from within the application
  • Downloading and installing updates
  • Accessing linked images or URLs that are stored on the web rather than as an attachment within your file
  • If your file is stored on iCloud, syncing of changes you make to your timeline file via iCloud

Beyond that, you can open, view and edit timeline files without a persistent internet connection.

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