Legal Case Timeline Builder
Quickly outline and share key case facts
Perfect Client Communication
Easily align and review facts with clients using interactive event representations. Zoom in on specific moments in the case for detailed analysis and review.
Zoom In
Focus on key date-ranges to align and review specific facts with clients.
Know where you are while zooming in on facts and events.

Swiftly Locate Key Facts
Swiftly locate specific case information with quick filters. By applying filters based on key criteria, such as dates, parties involved, or case status, they're able to access and navigate through what's most relevant.
Streamline case information retrieval
Effortlessly filter and sort through case specific data
Save time with intuitive search functionality

Visually Demonstrate Key Events in Court
Trial lawyers can easily display key events in a visually compelling timeline format, allowing them to effectively demonstrate important points while in court.
Organize case facts
Highlight key evidence
Pick your most persuasive argument
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Get Aeon Timeline and easily visualize and organize your project.