Release Notes

All updates and fixes for Mac, Windows, and iOS

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Aeon Timeline 3.4.20

February 25, 2025

Aeon Timeline version 3.4.20 has been released with the following fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where dragged items would not drop properly if released in their original position.
  • Fixed a bug where Mindmap labels were included in printing and image export despite being disabled in the view.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting items did not delete their attachments from the file.
  • Fixed a bug where uncertain start dates could not be set correctly for ongoing events.
  • Fixed a bug where dated items not shown on the timeline (such as characters) could not be added to date constraints.
  • Fixed an issue with some templates where the override today date was inadvertently set.
  • Added a limit of 150 tracks in Subway View to prevent app freezing.
  • Windows only: Fixed a bug where files would not save after importing CSVs containing certain special characters, such as emojis.

Aeon Timeline 3.4.18

November 11, 2024

Aeon Timeline version 3.4.18 has been released with the following fixes:

  • Fixed a rare crash on Mac + other minor bug fixes

Aeon Timeline 3.4.17

October 29, 2024

Aeon Timeline version 3.4.17 has been released with the following fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where attachments wouldn't open when shown on the timeline or in other views, and would only open from the inspector.
  • Fixed a bug where inverse relationships wouldn't show as selected in mindmap view dropdowns.

Aeon Timeline 3.4.16

October 2, 2024

Aeon Timeline version 3.4.16 has been released with the following fixes:

  • Fixed an issue when purchasing updates through the app using third party payment platforms such as PayPal
  • View settings such as Subway threads, Relationship View columns and timeline display options can now be saved as soon as the change is made (they were previously only saved after a subsequent timeline edit)
  • Fixed bug in position of horizontal drop line indicating where an item will be moved to when dragging between groups in the timeline
  • Fixed bug where incorrect relationship options could be shown in the edit menus for inverse relationships

Aeon Timeline 3.4.14

September 18, 2024

Aeon Timeline version 3.4.14 has been released with the following fixes:

  • Fixed a Windows bug where File > New and File > Open may open files within an existing window instead of a new window
  • Fixed issue where purchasing via PayPal, Amazon and Google Pay could hang indefinitely on Windows
  • Fixed bug where timeline might crash when editing dates using the new edit menu
  • Minor updates to starting template files

Aeon Timeline 3.4

September 12, 2024


  • New templates have been added for writing, project management, legal cases, and history. All templates now come with example content to help you pick which template best suits your project.
  • We’ve added a new template browser. When creating a new timeline, you can now flip through and preview the different templates. You can also choose whether to include example content in your new timeline.

Easier Editing

  • With the new edit menus, you can now edit items in place without having to open the Inspector. You can also duplicate items, or create items before or after the selected item.
  • When assigning related items in the Inspector and the spreadsheet, you can now create new items in place.
  • When selecting multiple rows or cells in the spreadsheet, selecting from a dropdown will apply to the whole selection. For example, if you select three rows and change the color in one of the rows, it will update the color for all three items. Or if you add a relationship, it will add it for all three items.
  • You can now right-click on parent items or timeline group headings to expand or collapse all.
  • You can now enter just a number when editing an item’s duration. For example, if an item has a duration of 6 months and you enter “3”, its duration will be updated to “3 months”.

Timeline View

  • You can now show properties, tags, and links directly on your timeline. This can be set from the view footer’s Item Display panel.
  • Timelines can now be grouped by color or item type. This can be set from the view footer’s Groups panel.
  • Timeline groups are now collapsible. They will also show rollups of the items they contain when collapsed.
  • Items can now be created directly within a timeline group by double-clicking. Items can also be dragged between timeline groups to change colours or add relationships, depending on the group type.
  • Color and relationship group headers can be double-clicked to be renamed.
  • If one item starts right after another ends, it can now be positioned on the same line in timeline view instead of cascading downwards. This will only happen for non-zero duration items where it wouldn’t result in overlapping text.
  • When the timeline’s timescale is zoomed to show one-month intervals, the minor ticks will now indicate the start of each week.
  • When creating an item in timeline view, it will now snap to the grid lines.
  • When scrolling to an event in the timeline, it now scrolls to the start of the event rather than the middle.

Mindmap View

  • Multiple relationship labels will now be shown if two items are related in multiple ways.


  • The inspector now has collapsible panels rather than tabs. When panels are collapsed, a brief summary is shown if it has data set, so you can find and edit your data more easily.
  • The inspector is no longer limited to a third of the screen in width, and can be as wide as you like.

Item Panels

  • The item type panels now have an option to show a quick access button for each row (accessible via the slider button at the top of the panel). The options are:
    • Filter View: Show a count of all related items in the active view. Clicking this button will filter the active view.
    • Find in View: Clicking this button will scroll to the item in the active view. If the item isn’t present in the active view but is able to be added, a button to add the item to the view will be shown instead.
  • Item types can now be customized directly within their panels.
  • The sidebar now has options to choose which item types to show.

Visual and Interface

  • The view footer buttons now have labels.
  • Parent and non-parent items in spreadsheet and relationship views now have consistent indentation.
  • Dates and durations now wrap in the inspector and in spreadsheet view, so they don’t get cut off.
  • The sidebar now has an option to show colored icons for the item type buttons, and options to show or hide the sync, dependency, calendar marker, and tutorial panels.
  • When changing an item’s type, the app will now list any fields that will become unavailable.
  • The calendar picker now lets you choose how specific to be (hours, minutes, or seconds) when setting the time.


  • The advanced item, relationship, and property settings have been moved into the main settings window to make them easier to access.
  • Item types can now be duplicated.
  • When duplicating or creating a new item type, a matching relationship of the same name will also be created.


  • Item labels can now be edited in place by using the new edit menus.
  • On iPad, the view footers are now shown so you can access the same view settings as the desktop app. On iPhone, there is now an option to show the view footers for timeline and narrative views.
  • Dropdowns in the inspector and app settings will now open in place, and will no longer move you to a new screen each time.

Bug Fixes

  • When copying and pasting parent and child items together in narrative view, they will now keep their nesting.
  • Fixed a bug where the calendar picker would be cut off when showing 6+ rows.
  • Fixed a bug where the app could hang when adding links.
  • Fixed a bug where relationships would show in the wrong order when selecting columns in spreadsheet view.
  • Fixed a bug where relationships would show in the wrong order when adding relationships in relationship view.
  • Fixed a bug where children could be moved twice when selecting and dragging parent and child items together in timeline view.
  • When deleting an item type, fixed a bug where items could be incorrectly deleted instead of converted to a different type.
  • Fixed a bug where undone text could flash back when repeatedly clicking in and out of the label field.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting an item used in the current filter wouldn’t update the filter.
  • When sorting by start date, if multiple items have the same start date or no date at all, items will now fall back to being sorted by manual order. The same will happen when sorted by color if multiple items share the same color.
  • Fixed bug that prevented editing leap years properly (e.g. when setting up the Julian calendar).

Aeon Timeline 3.3.20

June 18, 2024

Aeon Timeline version 3.3.18 has been released with the following fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where events without a duration would be set to 1 second, minute, or hour after using the calendar picker
  • Modified behaviour of Sidebar tooltips to hide after being clicked
  • Fixed a bug where durations wouldn't print in spreadsheet view
  • Modified Windows auto-update process to resolve future update issues

Aeon Timeline 3.3.18

May 20, 2024

Aeon Timeline version 3.3.18 has been released with the following fixes:

Constraints Panel:

  • Violated constraints and dependencies now show at the top of the list.

CSV Import and Export:

  • The order of exported items will now match the order you set in the app.
  • When exporting relationships or properties with multiple values, each value will now go on a new line. For example, when an event is related to many different characters, or when an item has multiple links.
  • When importing a CSV, you can now set the internal delimiter within such fields to be a new line instead of a comma. This is to make it easier to import values that contain commas, such as a name like “Smith, John”.
  • Fixed an issue where importing multiple items with the same name would sometimes create new items instead of updating existing ones.
  • [Remove the translation string one, it’s minor and no one needs to know the app has translation capabilities because it isn’t launched]

Search and Replace:

  • Searching will now also search item IDs (e.g. EV1).
  • Search and Replace will now also match punctuation and special characters such as |, (, ), etc.
  • Search and Replace will now allow replacing text with an empty value to delete text

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix crash in Filter Panel that can occur when the narrative is disabled
  • Fix issue where changing date format from relative to absolute may not immediately update the timeline view correctly
  • Fixed issue where calendar markers may render in incorrect location during scrolling

Aeon Timeline 3.3.12

February 27, 2024

Aeon Timeline version 3.3.12 has been released with the following fixes:

Printing & Exporting

  • Fixed a printing bug that could insert extra empty lines in some event descriptions
  • Add new columns to exported CSV files for related item labels (separate from compact display)
  • Fixed an issue where printing and exported images may cutoff the edge of expanded parent events


  • Fixed a bug that could create duplicate copies of tags
  • Fixed a bug where brand new Scrivener labels could not sync with colors correctly
  • Fixed a bug where duplicate events could be created when syncing updated version 2 files for the first time
  • Fixed a bug where narrative items could be moved into the wrong order


  • Fixed a bug where valid relationships could be deleted when deleting other relationships while the narrative was enabled and empty
  • Fixed issue where Mac app sometimes doesn't restart with latest release automatically
  • Fixed an issue opening a file exported as a "TSF"
  • Remove "add to narrative" options from right-click menu when narrative is disabled
  • Fixed an issue where the entity list takes keyboard focus unexpectedly
  • Fixed display bug where newline characters were not shown in Spreadsheet View
  • Fixed bug that affected selecting multiple items in Relationship View
  • Fixed bug where not all selected items were highlighted in Search Panel

Aeon Timeline 3.3.9

February 2, 2024

Added new sample templates to help you get started more easily!