We know our users share one thing in common. They’re big thinkers. They’re creatives, professionals and information artisans with a knack for telling a compelling story.
Our latest release of Aeon Timeline 3 unleashes your capacity to think even bigger.
Version 3.2 is a significant overhaul of the app’s inner workings so that it can seamlessly support thousands of events and items. The app will be quicker and more responsive for:
- Timelines made up of over a hundred events
- Timelines with more than a few dozen entities such as People or Places
- Large narratives, especially when synced with Scrivener or Ulysses
We love to see users go all-in with their timelines and can’t wait to see what you create.
This release also includes several improvements to streamline your workflow and make creating timelines easier.
Beautiful Icons
To help you more easily work with multi-type timelines, items now show their icons instead of just coloured dots.

Full Screen Canvas
To maximize your working area, the inspector is now automatically collapsed when not in use.
This behavior can be customized from the inspector icon at the top right of the window. (Mac/Windows only)

Quick Access Filtering
To help you keep track of your data, item counts and applied filters are now shown in the view header.

Get Started Faster
To help you get started planning your story, project, historical or legal timelines, we’ve redesigned the welcome screen and added new starter files that are populated with example content.

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